Top 10 reasons

The top 10 reasons for renting a MARCO automation system for your food operation

During a year of rapidly changing demands, lockdowns, shut-downs and panic buying, the fresh produce and food manufacturing industries have faced unprecedented challenges. As we move forward the landscape looks very different for some businesses with priorities changing and new hurdles presenting themselves at a time when there may be a halt on capital expenditure just when help is needed most. At MARCO our team of designers and engineers have stayed ahead of the curve, designing new additions to our world-class automation systems to tackle today’s challenges in a financially manageable way. Here are our top 10 reasons for renting a MARCO automation system:

  1. Increase your overall productivity by 30% without any initial capital outlay. Increase productivity means increased profit, but what if you’re not in the position to invest in your facility at the moment? Renting is the perfect solution to balance the needs of driving the business forward with protecting your capital.
  2. Automating your weighing and packing operation will reduce your need for labour, especially skilled labour. In 2020 many of our customers have reported that travel restrictions have meant that they have had problems hiring their usual skilled labour force and, in some instances, have struggled to recruit enough pairs of hands to do the job. By automating your system you simplify the weighing and packing process so that there is no longer a need for skilled labour and overall staff numbers can reduce by as much as 50%.
  3. Virtually eradicate your giveaway or overpack. This is arguably one of the biggest reasons why customers choose MARCO systems. When one of our Sales Engineers tests an existing system’s results and then compares it to a MARCO system’s result the differences can be staggering. We’ve helped customers who were routinely overpacking a 300g punnet with 385g+ of product, by accurately, consistently and simply reducing that down to 303g. Take a few moments on your calculator to add up the savings on this……..mind-blowing isn’t it!
  4. Results from day one. Our simple-to-operate technology means that operator training is minimal and customers can achieve these huge overpack savings from day one of operation. With no initial outlay for the equipment, just a monthly rental fee, the savings/profit are yours from day one.
  5. Protect against Covid-19 disruption or shut-down. Sadly, this year many operations have faced major disruption or even costly shut-downs due to the effect of Covid-19. Our designers and engineers upgraded our Yield Control Module software to include ‘Covid-19 Track & Control’ – software that lets you monitor, control and, if necessary, isolate operator bubbles. So, if there is an outbreak in your operation, you can identify the operator bubble involved and their workstations and isolate them – rather than disrupting your entire operation.
  6. Adapt quickly. If you have the right tools for the job, it is easy to adapt to the rapidly changing market conditions that many businesses have faced this year. Need to increase production? Being able to pack faster and with more accuracy allows more capacity for expansion. Need to change product quickly? Having total control over our simple-to-operate systems makes this a fast transition. Your usual supply of labour is suddenly no longer available? MARCO systems need fewer operators and is quick and easy to learn for new team members.
  7. Want to make further improvements or expansions to your operation? Until you can accurately measure where you are now, your management team cannot hope to make informed business decisions. Our systems increase Management Insight at every stage of the weighing and packing process, and with no initial capital outlay for the equipment, it leaves capital available to enhance other areas of the business should they require it.
  8. Pay as you improve. MARCO systems deliver greater financial return than the monthly rental premiums. We are so sure of the benefits our systems provide, that we offer four different ways of installing our systems with zero upfront payments: Rent, Rent-to-Buy, Earn Out and Pack Price. As your productivity and profits improve you may decide that you would rather own rather than rent and all of our plans can be tailored to include that option.
  9. Manage cashflow and capital outlay by installing profit-enhancing automation software and hardware systems with no initial outlay. The beauty of renting our automation systems is that you get the best of both worlds: immediate increased productivity/profit and capital retention. Whatever your business goals are, managing cashflow whilst growing the productivity of your operation will facilitate any plans that you have for expansion or diversification.
  10. Continuous improvement. Renting an automation system might sound like a short-term solution to a long-term problem, but with MARCO the journey doesn’t stop there. The data produced from your operation leads to a journey of continuous productivity improvement over many years, backed-up by our regular software and hardware developments and training and support programmes.

If you would like one of our Sales Managers to evaluate your current system and show you what can be achieved on a MARCO system, email or call +44 (0)1732 782 380