MARCO post-Brexit

Business as usual for MARCO post-Brexit

With the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union completed on 31 December 2020 (Brexit) there are new rules for living, working and trading with the EU. MARCO can reassure our customers that due to the deal between the UK and EU there are no significant differences with the relationships with our suppliers or customers and we foresee no delay in either supply or installation.

With the new deal there will be no taxes on goods (tariffs) or limits on the amount that can be traded between the UK and the EU. This means within the European Union MARCO will be able to operate as normal. Furthermore, the deal will still allow our expert support engineers to travel freely between EU nations because, with the agreement, UK nationals do not require a visa for stays of less than 90 days. This means for installation and support, whether your business is based inside or outside of Europe, MARCO can still be there every step of the way. For full details on ‘Brexit: the new rules’ visit the Government website here

For new customers looking at increasing their productivity with new MARCO equipment and software, we are confident that delivery and installation timescales will remain unchanged. We currently undertake the majority of our training online, enabling you to take full advantage of your new MARCO system in the shortest time possible.

For more information please contact our Sales Managers

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