Increased management insight

MARCO ready to deliver increased management insight for the spring and summer fresh produce packing season

For a lot of companies the growing and packing season is quickly approaching, especially here in the Northern Hemisphere. Last year’s big challenges within the fresh produce industry, notably a reduction in packing labour availability and rapidly changing market demands, has seen many businesses searching for increased management insight into their entire packing facility from goods in, to goods out. But how is that achievable for the 2021 packing season? 

At MARCO we’ve harnessed over 35 years of experience in fresh produce industries including grapes, strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, vegetables and soft fruits to develop productivity enhancing solutions tailor-made to each individual customer’s requirements. If you want to revolutionise your packing facility for 2021 harvest, the right time to act is now. 

Our Yield Control Module (YCM) offering has been specifically developed to provide comprehensive management data allowing you to measure and control the whole process. A previous installation at Nicofruit consisted of MARCO’s Twin CheckMaster workstations operating with MARCO’s Trac-IT YCM. After in depth discussions a bespoke packing line was created to match the client’s specifications. Through the use of MARCO smart scales and accompanying software Nicofruit saw increased management insight alongside a 30% increase in productivity. Click here to read the full case study.   

With MARCO already having installations in 45 countries around the world including Germany, France, Spain, Italy, United States, Japan, China and Canada; we’re ready to send our global network of expert engineers to help you improve your management insight and productivity. MARCO Hi-Care enables us to provide you constant support year-round all the way from quotes, to concept, to design, through installation and then aftercare support. MARCO Global 365 also gives you the opportunity to have meetings with our expert Sales Managers via exploratory calls, presentations and trials online, using Microsoft Teams or Whatsapp.   

In addition to increasing management control and insight of your packing facility, the MARCO Trac-IT Yield Control Module offers a wide variety of benefits to you and your business including: 

  • Reduce labour requirements by up to 50% 
  • Reduce overpack to below 1% 
  • Globally certified for all markets 
  • Return on investment within one season 
  • Increase your export potential 
  • Reduced transport costs 
  • Increase productivity by 30% 
  • Increase profits from the same harvest 
  • Increase packing speeds from day one 
  • Quickly adapt to changing market conditions 
  • Pack smarter, pack faster 

For more information please contact our Sales Managers

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