Seasonal Labour Shortages

Concerns for the Fresh Produce Industry

Seasonal labour shortages and COVID-19 disruption still the top two concerns for the Fresh Produce Industry

In recent times global and national restrictions implemented to combat COVID-19 disruption have resulted in seasonal labour shortages across the globe. With movement restrictions still being enforced worldwide, businesses in the fresh produce industry are finding it hard to employ the volume of seasonal labour they require. Unfortunately, when a worker is tested positive for COVID-19 this can lead to a partial or full site closure of the operation. With the demand on the fresh produce industry increasing, business continuity and safety of staff is at an all-time high.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put an emphasis on the vital contribution that seasonal workers make in the fresh produce industry and that they’re crucial in the continuity of our food supply. Areas of the fresh produce industry rely on the influx of migrant workers to fill seasonal fluctuating labour positions that local workers often shun. The Guardian has reported that so far in 2021, 70% of food growers and manufacturers have struggled to recruit the low skilled seasonal workers they require to operate. With this shortfall in seasonal workers, it’s very possible that last year’s seasonal worker shortage will continue well into 2021 and beyond.

MARCO’s world leading Yield Control Module can reduce your reliance on seasonal workers by reducing the amount of required labour by as much as 50% without compromising on pack presentation or increase giveaway. As the fresh produce industry adapts to new ways of working, MARCO customers have been positioned to move forward and thrive in the new business environment.

Here at MARCO, we have been developing new tools for control and traceability to mitigate COVID-19 disruption and protect seasonal workers from potential outbreaks of the virus. Our new product addition Covid 19 Track & Control can be utilised by our customers in the fresh produce industry to protect themselves and their workers. Our Track & Control product is an update for customers with our Yield Control Module, customers with a MARCO line already installed cab this upgrade to their system. This new addition can be remotely installed by our team or Engineers to further our customers safety. Our Sales Managers are continuing online meeting, to take your first steps towards improved productivity safely. Additionally, we can provide full online training on these new features at your convenience.

Contact us at for more information on how we can support your business.

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