MARCO attend Fruit Attraction 2023

MARCO are delighted to announce that we will once again be exhibiting at Fruit Attraction, the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals from all over the world.

This year we will be showcasing our latest innovative Packing Line specifically designed for the Fresh Produce Industry.

Come along to find out how MARCO can help you to

  • reduce labour by up to 50%,
  • eradicate product over-pack,
  • minimise waste
  • improve productivity

STAND 3C26 – Pavilion 3

3 – 5 October 2023

To book a meeting with our experienced sales team, please contact:

Jose Fernandez, Business Development Manager

m: +44 (0)7423 432 153

Connect with Jose on LinkedIn


Anthony Spanjaard, Sales Director

m: +44 (0)7593 235 170

Connect with Anthony on LinkedIn


Erica Lopez, Aftersales Manager

m: +44 (0)7483 076 410

Connect with Erica on LinkedIn


Jan Van Wyk, Export Sales Manager

m: +44 (0)7436 530 012

Connect with Jan on LinkedIn

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