MARCO to attend The Global Produce & Floral Show 2023

MARCO are delighted to announce that we are exhibiting at The Global Produce & Floral Show, from 20 – 21 October – set to be one of the largest in the region!

We will be exhibiting some of MARCO’s latest solutions specifically designed for the fresh produce industry, that deliver key advantages over your competitors to help develop greater control and management insight.

Come and talk to us about our

Innovative fresh produce packing line with automated delivery of raw material direct to the workstation. Auto transfer of boxes or crates to the stations mean operators do not need to move heavy boxes from the conveyors, offering significant health and safety advantages.

Latest end-of-line case packing solution – the PunnetMaster®. Designed as a highly versatile, simple to use machine that has adopted the latest technology helping improve efficiencies, accuracy, and flexibility across a wide range of packing formats.

Come along to find out how MARCO can help you to

  • reduce labour by up to 50%
  • minimise waste
  • eradicate product over-pack
  • improve productivity and consitency

Visit us at

STAND 5321 – Business Solutions Arena

20 – 21 October 2023

To book a meeting with our experienced sales team, please contact:

Jose Fernandez, Business Development Manager

m: +44 (0)7423 432 153

Connect with Jose on LinkedIn


Jack Lidiard, Senior BDM For North America

m: +1 267 416 5490

Connect with Jack on LinkedIn

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